热烈欢迎新加坡南洋理工大学张希博士加入我研究所阅读次数 [2983] 发布时间 :2014-09-01 15:58:22
1. Xi Zhang; Yanguang Nie; Chang Q Sun; et al. "Discriminative generation and hydrogen modulation of the Dirac-Fermi polarons at graphene edges and atomic vacancies", Carbon, 49:3615-3621, (2011). (IF:5.868)
2. Xi Zhang; Jer-lai Kuo; Chang Q Sun; et al. "Graphene nanoribbon band-gap expansion: Broken-bond- induced edge strain and quantum entrapment", Nanoscale, 2:2160-2163, (2010). (IF:6.233)
3. Xi Zhang; Jer-lai Kuo; Ping Bai; Chang Q Sun; et al. "Local structure relaxation, quantum trap depression, and valence charge polarization induced by the shorter-and-stronger bonds between under-coordinated atoms in gold nanostructures", Nanoscale, 2:412-417, (2010). (IF:6.233)
4. Yongli Huang;* Xi Zhang;* and C.Q. Sun, et al. “Size, separation, structure order, and mass density of molecules packing in water and ice”, Scientific Reports, 3:3005, (2013). (*Equal contribution; IF:2.927)
5. Xi Zhang; C.Q. Sun, and H. Hirao, “Guanine binding to gold nanoparticles through nonbonding interactions”. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 15:19284-19292, (2013). (IF:3.829)
6. C.Q Sun, Xi Zhang, and Weitao Zheng, “The hidden force opposing ice compression”, Chemical Science, 2012, 3, pp.1455-1460. (IF:8.314)
7. C.Q Sun, Xi Zhang, et, al, “Density and phonon-stiffness anomalies of water and ice in the full temperaure range". J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2013. 4: 3238-3244.(IF:6.585)
8. C.Q Sun, Xi Zhang, J. Zhou, Y.L. Huang, et al, “Density, Elasticity, and Stability Anomalies of Water Molecules With Fewer-Than-Four Neighbors”. J. Phys. Chem. Lett, 2013, 4, pp. 2565-2570. (IF:6.585)