杨志儒 (西安交大2014)阅读次数 [1914] 发布时间 :2014-03-12 11:01:17





1999.9-2003.07   兰州理工大学  机械设计制造及其自动化            学士

2005.9-2008.07   兰州理工大学  机械制造及其自动化                   硕士

2008.9-2013.12   西安交通大学  机械设计及理论                          博士


2004.09-2005.08  新兴际华集团新兴重机有限公司

2003.07-2004.08  新兴际华集团新兴铸管股份有限公司




[1] Yang ZR, Diao DF, Yang L. Numerical analysis on nanoparticles-laden gas film thrust bearing. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2013, 26(4): 675-679. (SCI: 000323104900006, EI: 20133316623582)

[2] Yang ZR, Diao DF, Fan X, Fan HY. Nanoparticles-laden gas film in thrust bearing. ASME Transactions – Journal of Tribology, Accepted for publication. SCI

[3] Yang ZR, Diao DF, Fan HY. Experimental study of load capacity of nanoparticles-laden gas film in thrust bearing. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Accepted for publication. SCI

[4]  刁东风,杨志儒,范红艳等. 纳米粒子气膜承载能力研究. 机械工程学报, 2013, 49(14): 51-58. EI


[1] Yang ZR, Diao DF, Fan HY. Effects of nanoparticle on load capacity in gas film lubrication. The 5th World Tribology Congress, September 8-13, 2013, Torino, Italy.

[2] Yang ZR, Diao DF. Numerical analysis of leakage rate of nanoparticles-laden oil in sealed ball bearing. The 8th International Tribology Conference, Oct. 30- Nov. 3, 2011, Hiroshima, Japan.

[3] Yang ZR, Diao DF. Numerical analysis of effects of nanoparticles on turbulent intensity in labyrinth seal. The China-Japan Joint Tribology Symposium between Xi’an Jiaotong University and Nagoya University, Oct. 27 -30, 2011, Nagoya, Japan.