张维强阅读次数 [17] 发布时间 :2021-01-07 14:08:51





2020.12-至今   西安电子科技大学  仪器科学与技术    准聘副教授

2015.09-2020.12  西安交通大学    机械工程专业     工学博士     导师:刁东风院士

2019.10-2020.10  佐治亚理工学院  材料科学与工程    博士联合培养  导师:王中林院士

2012.09-2015.06  兰州理工大学    机械制造及自动化   工学硕士

2008.09-2012.06  兰州理工大学  机械设计制造及其自动化  工学学士



[1] Zhang WQ, Diao DF, Sun K, Fan X, Wang PF. Study on friction-elecrification coupling in the sliding-mode triboelectric nanogenerator [J]. Nano Energy, 2018, 48: 456-463.(IF=16.6)

[2] Zhang WQ, Wang PF, Sun K, Wang C, Diao DF. Intelligently detecting and identifying liquids leakage combing triboelectric nanogenerator based self-powered sensor with machine [J]. Nano Energy, 2019, 56: 277-285. (IF=16.6)

[3]Zhang WQ, Deng LF, Yang L, Yang P, Diao DF, Wang PF, Wang ZL. Multilanguage-handwriting self-powered recognition based on triboelectric nanogenerator enabled machine learning [J]. Nano Energy, 2020, 77: 105174(IF=16.6)

[4] Sun K, Diao DF, Zhang WQ, Xue PD, Fan X. Contact-focusing electron flow induced nanosized graphene sheets formation in amorphous carbon film for fast low-friction [J]. Carbon, 2019, 149:45-54. (IF=8.8)

[5] Wang PF, Zhang WQ, Diao DF. Low friction of graphene nanocrystallite embedded carbon nitride coatings prepared with MCECR plasma sputtering [J]. Surface and Coating Technology, 2017, 332: 153-160. (IF=2.9)

[6] Zhang SL, Roach DJ, Xu SX, Wang P, Zhang WQ, Qi HJ, Wang ZL. Electromagnetic pulse powered by a triboelectric nanogenerator with applications in accurate self-powered sensing and security [J]. Adv. Mater. Technologies, 2020:200368. (IF=6.0)

[7] Yang L, Wang YF, Zhao ZB, Guo YJ, Chen SC, Zhang WQ, Guo X. Particle-laden droplet-driven triboelectric nanogenerator for real-time sediment monitoring using deep learning method [J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12: 38192-38201. (IF=8.8)

[8] Yang L,Wang YF,Guo YJ,Zhang WQ,Zhao ZB. Nanogenerators: Robust working mechanism of water droplet driven triboelectric nanogenerator: Triboelectric output versus: dynamic motion of water droplet [J]. Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 6: 970150. (IF=4.7)

[9] Sun K, Diao DF, Yang L, Zhang WQ, Fan X. Nanosized graphene sheets enhanced electron field emission behavior in pure carbon film [J]. Thin Solid Film, 2018, 664: 124-129. (IF=1.9)

[10] Yang D, Guo HY, Chen XY, Wang LF, Jiang P, Zhang WQ, Wang ZL. Flexible and wide pressure range triboelectric sensor array for real-time pressure force detection and distribution mapping [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8:23827-23833. (IF=11.3)


[1] Zhang WQ, Wang PF, Diao DF. Classification of the relationship between friction behavior and tribo-electric performance of triboelectric nanogenerator [C]. 44th International Conference on Metallurgical Coating and Thin Films, San Diego, USA, April 24-28, 2017.

[2] Zhang WQ, Wang PF, Diao DF. The relationship between friction coefficient and charge density of PDMS sliding against graphene sheets embedded carbon films [C]. 6th World Tribology Congress, Beijing, China, September 17-22, 2017.

[3] Zhang WQ, Sun K, Wang PF, Diao DF. Friction force effect on the electrical output performance of sliding-mode triboelectric nanogenerator [C]. 2019 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, Phoenix, USA, April 22-26, 2019. (Best Poster Award)

[4] Zhang WQ, Diao DF. Friction effect on sliding-mod triboelectric nanogenerator [C]. International Tribology Conference 2019, Sendai, Japan, September 19-21, 2019.

[5] 张维强. 摩擦-电耦合及应用研究[C]. 2018粤港澳青年摩擦学技术论坛,深圳,中国,12月21日,2018.(邀请报告)

[6] Wang PF, Zhang WQ, Diao DF. Low friction of graphene nanocrystalline embedded carbon nitride coatings prepared with MCECR plasma sputtering [C]. 44th International Conference on Metallurgical Coating and Thin Films, San Diego, USA, April 24-28, 2017.

[7] Wang PF, Zhang WQ, Diao DF. Low friction high conductivity of nitrogen-graphene nanocrystalline embedded carbon films [C]. 6th World Tribology Congress, Beijing, China, September 17-22, 2017.