Job Opportunities for Postdoc Positions in INSEHits [5475] Published :2014-11-27 18:57:41
Institute of Nanosurface Science and Engineering (INSE) at Shenzhen University is a brand new, modern, research-oriented and well-equipped engineering research institute resided in Shenzhen, which is right next to Hong Kong and is one of the first-tier cities in China. The director of INSE is an internationally known researcher for pioneering research in nano- and micro-scale surface sciences and engineering with emphasis on the application of nanosurfaces in optical-mechanical-electrical fields as well as the integration of fundamentals from mechanical engineering, materials science, contact mechanics, plasma physics, and nanotribology. INSE is seeking applicants for 2-4 postdoc positions lasting for two years.
(1) Having a positive attitude, strong communication skills, and a team-work spirit.
(2) Holding or about to complete a PhD degree.
(3) Strong publication record, at least two first-author SCI papers.
(4) Expertise in one of the following areas:
(a) Nanosurface Design: theoretical calculation and simulation by using the following methods, such as first principle calculations, molecular dynamics calculations and thermodynamic analysis.
(b) Nanosurface Manufacturing: investigation on the techniques for fabricating nanosurface, especially the technique by using electron or ion irradiation in plasma.
(c) Nanosurface Test: characterization of the nano-structural, electrical, optical, magnetic, biological, and tribological properties of the surface, semi in-situ analysis of surface with Raman and AFM, in-situ analysis of tribological behavior of surface with TEM.
(d) Nanosurface Application: development of nano- or micro- scale optical, electrical, magnetic, and biological sensors with customized nanosurfaces.
Salary is no less than 280,000 Yuan/year and consists of four parts:
(a) 120,000 Yuan/year postdoc allowance from the Shenzhen government (depending on the middle and final evaluation).
(b) 84,000 Yuan/year living allowance from the Shenzhen University.
(c) 26,880 Yuan/year housing allowance from the Shenzhen government.
(d) 24,000 Yuan/year research allowance from the INSE (there will be extra bonus per year depend on performance).
(e) 30,000Yuan personnel allowance from the Shenzhen government
Contact information:
Interested applicants should submit (1) curriculum vitae, (2) a description of research accomplishments, and (3) an email title with the research area intended to apply to Review of applications will begin immediately, and continue until the positions are filled.