Xi ZHANGHits [1687] Published :2015-03-18 09:27:43

E-mail: zh0005xi#szu.edu.cn(# convert to @)
Tel: +86-755-26656730
Addr: Room S701, Ji Dian Building, South campus, Shenzhen University
2008.08–2013.06 Ph.D, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2010.09–2010.12 Exchange, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
2004.08–20080.7 B.Sc: Material Physics, Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin, China
2014.10-present Lecturer, Shenzhen University, China
2012.08 –2014.08 Posdoc, Nanyangtechnological University PI:Hajime Hirao, Chang Q Sun
Current Topic:
Design and manufacture the nanocrystalline graphene sensor.
Nov 2015, Shenzhen Overseas High-Caliber Personnel -Level B (Peacock Plan)
2016.1-2017.12 Ministry of Education of Guangdong Province, Young Tanlent Peoject, No. 2015KQNCX144
2016.1-2019.12,Shenzhen Startup grant,No. 827000131
2015.6-2017.5,Shenzhen University startup grant,No. 201528
Publications: (See more in
I Theme report:
- (1) Huang Yongli #,Zhang Xi#,Nie Yanguang,Zheng Weitao,Sun Changqing,Hydrogen-bond relaxation dynamics: resolving my steries of water ice,Coordination Chemistry Reviews,2015,285:109-165 (#Equal,IF:12.239)
- (2)Liu, Xinjuan#; Zhang, Xi#; Bo, MaoLin; Li, Lei; Tian, Hongwei; Nie, Yanguang; Sun, Yi; Xu, Shiqing; Wang, Yan; Zheng, Weitao; Sun, Changqing*,Coordination-resolved electron spectrometrics, Chemical Reviews, 2015, 115(14):6746-6810 (#Equal,IF:46.568)
- (3)Zhang Xi, Sun Peng, Yan Tingting, Huang Yongli, Ma Zengsheng, Zou Bo, Zheng Weitao, Zhou Ji, Sun Changqing*, Water’s phase diagram: from the notion of thermodynamics to hydrogen-bond cooperativity, Prog Solid State Chem, 43:71-81,2015(IF:6.600)
II Bond Relaxation and End-state Polarization in Low-dimensional Carbon Material
- (1) Zhang, Xi,Wang, Chao,Sun, Chang Q.,Diao, Dongfeng,Magnetism induced by excess electrons trapped at diamagnetic edge-quantum well in multi-layer graphene,Applied Physics Letters,2014,105(4):042402。( IF:3.515)
- (2) Zhang, Xi,Nie, Yanguang,Zheng, Weitao,Kuo, Jer-lai,Sun, Chang Q.,Discriminative generation and hydrogen modulation of the Dirac-Fermi polarons at graphene edges and atomic vacancies,Carbon,2011,49(11):3615-3621。(IF:5.868)
- (3) Zhang, Xi,Kuo, Jer-lai,Gu, Mingxia,Bai, Ping,Sun, Chang Q.,Graphene nanoribbon band-gap expansion: Broken-bond-induced edge strain and quantum entrapment,Nanoscale,2010,2(10):2160-2163。(IF:6.233)
III. Quantum Trapping and Polarization of Gold Nanoparticle
- (1) Zhang, Xi,Sun, Chang Q.,Hirao, Hajime,Guanine binding to gold nanoparticles through nonbonding interactions,Physical Chemistry ChemicalPhysics,2013,15(44):19284-19292。(IF:4.198)
- (2) Zhang, Xi,Kuo, Jer-lai,Gu, Mingxia,Fan, Xiaofeng,Bai, Ping,Song, Qing-Gong,Sun, Chang Q.,Local structure relaxation, quantum trap depression, and valence charge polarization induced by the shorter-and-stronger bonds between under-coordinated atoms in gold,Nanoscale,2010,2(3):412-417。(IF:6.233)
IV. H-Bond Assymetric Relaxation and Anomolies of Water
(9)Xi Zhang, Yongli Huang, Peng Sun, Xinjuan Liu, Zengsheng Ma, Yichun Zhou, Ji Zhou, Weitao Zheng, Chang Q Sun,Ice Regelation: Hydrogen-bond extraordinary recoverability and water quasisolid-phase-boundary dispersivity, Scientific Reports 2015 Sep, 5, Article number: 13655
(8)Huang Yongli#, Zhang Xi#, Ma Zengsheng, Zhou Guanghui, Gong Yinyan, Sun Changqing, Potential Paths for the Hydrogen-Bond Relaxing with (H2O)(N) Cluster Size, J Phys Chem C, 2015 Jul, 119(29): 16962-16971. (#Equal,IF: 4.772)
(7) Zhang, Xi,Huang, Yongli,Ma, Zengsheng,Zhou, Yichun,Zhou, Ji,Zheng, Weitao,Jiang, Qing,Sun, Chang Q.,Hydrogen-bond memory and water-skin supersolidity resolving the Mpemba paradox,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2014,16(42):22995-23002。(IF:4.198)
(6) Zhang, Xi,Yan, Tingting,Huang, Yongli,Ma, Zengsheng,Liu, Xinjuan,Zou, Bo,Sun, Chang Q.,Mediating relaxation and polarization of hydrogen-bonds in water by NaCl salting and heating,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2014,16(45):24666-24671。(IF:4.198)
(5) Zhang, Xi,Huang, Yongli,Ma, Zengsheng,Zhou, Yichun,Zheng, Weitao,Zhou, Ji,Sun, Chang Q.,A common supersolid skin covering both water and ice,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2014,16(42):22987-22994。
(4) Huang, Yongli #, Zhang, Xi# ,Ma, Zengsheng,Li, Wen,Zhou, Yichun,Zhou, Ji,Zheng, Weitao,Sun, Chang Q.,Size, separation, structural order, and mass density of molecules packing in water and ice,Scientific Reports,2013,3。(#Equal,IF:5.078)
(3) Sun, Chang Q.; Zhang, Xi; Fu, Xiaojian; Zheng, Weitao; Kuo, Jerlai; Zhou, Yichun; Shen, Zexiang; Zhou, Ji. Density and Phonon-Stiffness Anomalies of Water and Ice in the Full Temperature Range, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2013,4 (19): 3238-3244。(IF:6.585)
(2) Sun, Chang Q.; Zhang, Xi; Zhou, Ji; Huang, Yongli; Zhou Yichun; Zheng, Weitao. Density, Elasticity, and Stability Anomalies of Water Molecules with Fewer than Four Neighbors, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2013,4(15): 2565-2570。(IF:6.585)
(1) Sun, Chang Q.; Zhang, Xi; Zheng, Weitao, The hidden force opposing ice compression, Chemical Science, 2012,117: 13639-13645。(IF:8.314)
10th International Conference on Computational Physics (ICCP10), Macao SAR, China, 16-20 January 2017, Title: Water and ice skin: Mpemba Paradox & Quantum Friction, Invited Talk & Session Chair
The 11th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2016)
Sendai, Japan, 17-20 April, 2016, Title: 3D graphene-nanoribbon ultrafast electro-optical nanosensor, Oral
SICC-7 and APCE 2012 - 7th Singapore International Chemical Conference and 12th Asia Pacific International Symposium on Capillary Electrophoresis and Microscale Separation and Analysis (Singapore,16 - 19 Dec 2012 ), Title: DNA Base- Au_N (N=13~55) complexes: Under-coordination matters.Oral
The 6th International Conference on Nanophotonics (ICNP’2012), Peking University, Beijing, China, 27‐30 May, 2012, Title: Red‐shift of photo‐electronic resonant peak induced by valenceband polarization in noble metal nanocages, Oral.
INEC-3 - 3rd IEEE International NanoElectronics Conference (Hongkong, 3-8 Jan, 2010 ), Title: Local structure relaxation, Quantum trap depression, and Valence charge polarization in gold nanostructures. Oral. (EI)