Wencong CHENHits [626] Published :2016-08-17 17:38:31
Research and development of sensors based on the excellent photo-electromagnetic characteristics of nanocrystalline graphene have attracted enormous attentions in recent years. As an important means of controllable preparation of nanocrystalline graphene, plasma electron irradiation becomes the focus of academic research. However, due to the lack of online diagnostic of irradiation electron energy distribution in the graphene growth process, size and content control of
nanocrystalline graphene is difficult to achieve, hindering the development of new generation of nanocrystalline graphene sensors. Therefore, this project proposed a core scientific problem of "Electron-irradiation-induced nanocrystalline graphenegrowth mechanism", will use online plasma diagnostics techniques as the research method, take electrons’ heating effect on carbon atoms and damage effect on covalent bonds as the theoretical fundamental, aim at the size and content control
of nanocrystalline graphene by electron energy distribution, and eventually achieve controllable manufacturing of nanocrystalline graphene. In particular, a retarding field energy analyzer and a Langmuir probe will be used to measure electron energy distribution, high resolution transmission electron microscopy combined with Raman spectroscopy will be utilized to analyze rules of size and content control of nanocrystalline graphene, the energy transfer mechanism between electrons and carbon atoms will be verified by external laser beam and electron beam irradiation. The research outcome is of scientific significance for revealing the electron-irradiation-induced nanocrystalline graphene growth mechanism, and of great practical value for the design and manufacturing of nanocrystalline graphene sensors.