Xue FANHits [1397] Published :2015-09-02 16:18:57
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: May 29, 1984
Place of Birth: Meihekou, Jilin
Email: fanxue01@163.com
Address:S701 Electromechanical building, Shenzhen University, Nanhai Ave. 3688, Shenzhen, Guangdong
Education and Working Experience
2015.04- Shenzhen University Lecturer
Institute of Nanosurface Science and Technology
Research interest: Nanosurface fabrication and characterization
2012.06-2014.12 Xi’an Jiaotong University Post Doctorate
School of Mechanical Engineering, Instrument Science and Technology
Research interest: Nanosurface Engineering and Tribology
2010.10-2011.10 The University of Tokyo PhD Joint study
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Materials Engineering
Research interest: Preparation and Mechanical Behavior Characterization of
Amorphous Carbon Films Containing Graphite Nanoclusters
2008.03-2012.03 Xi’an Jiaotong University Doctor’s degree
School of Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Design and Theory
Research interest: Fabrication of Carbon Films with Controlled Nano Structures
and the Study of Friction Contact Mechanisms
2006.09-2008.01 Xi’an Jiaotong University Master’s course
School of Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Design and Theory
GPA: 3.50/4.0, Rank: Top 5% of the major
2002.09-2006.07 Xi’an Jiaotong University Bachelor’s degree
School of Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Automation
GPA: 3.50/4.0, Rank: Top 5% of the major
SCI Papers:
(13) Hongyan Fan, Xue Fan*, Zhiru Yang and, Dongfeng Diao*, The Lubrication Performance of Nanoparticles-Laden Gas Film in Thrust Bearing under Non-Contact and Contact Conditions, ASME J. Tribo., 136: 034505, 2014.
(12) Meiling Guo, Dongfeng Diao*, Xue Fan, Lei Yang, Liwei Yu, Scratch Behavior of Re-structured Carbon Coating by Oxygen Plasma Etching Technology for Magnetic Disk Application, Surf. Coat. Technol., 251: 128-134, 2014.
(11) Cheng Chen, Dongfeng Diao*, Xue Fan, Lei Yang and Chao Wang, Frictional behavior of carbon film embedded with controlling-sized graphene nanocrystallites, Tribo. Lett., 55: 429-435, 2014.
(10) Zhiru Yang, Dongfeng Diao*, Xue Fan and Hongyan Fan, Nanoparticles-Laden Gas Film in Thrust Bearing, ASME J. Tribo., 136: 034501, 2014.
(9) Zhiru Yang, Dongfeng Diao*, Hongyan Fan, Xue Fan, Chao Wang, Experimenal study on Load Capacity of Nanoparticles-laden Gas Film in Thrust Bearing, Ind. Lubr. Tribol., accepted for publication.
(8) Xue Fan, Kenji Nose, Dongfeng Diao*, and Toyonobu Yoshida, Nanoindentation behaviors of amorphous carbon films containing nanocrystalline graphite and diamond clusters prepared by radio frequency sputtering, Appl. Surf. Sci., 273:816-823, 2013. (IF:2.112)
(7) Dongfeng Diao, Chao Wang, and Xue Fan*, Frictional behavior of nanostructured carbon films, Friction, 1(1):63-71, 2013.
(6) Xue Fan, and Dongfeng Diao*, Friction contact mechanisms of layered surface, Eng. Sci., 11(1):16-23, 2013.
(5) Chao Wang, Dongfeng Diao, Xue Fan, and Cheng Chen, Graphene Sheets Embedded Carbon Film Prepared by Electron Irradiation in Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma, Appl. Phys. Lett., 100(23):231909, 2012. (IF:3.844)
(4) Xue Fan, Chao Wang, Lei Yang, Dongfeng Diao, Co Filled Porous Anodic Alumina Film Fabricated on ECR-Al Film with Silicon Substrate, Rare Metal Mater. Eng., 41 (S1): 136-139, 2012. (IF:0.164)
(3) Xue Fan, Dongfeng Diao, Kai Wang, Chao Wang, Multi-Functional ECR Plasma Sputtering System for Preparing Amorphous Carbon and Al-O-Si Films, Surf. Coat. Technol., 206(7): 1963-1970, 2011. (IF:1.867)
(2) Xue Fan, and Dongfeng Diao, Contact Mechanisms of Transfer Layered Surface during Sliding Wear of Amorphous Carbon Film with Finite Element Analysis, ASME J. Tribo., 133(4): 042301, 2011. (IF:1.196)
(1) Fuxun Li, Dongfeng Diao, and Xue Fan, The Critical Condition for Intrusion of A Steel Ball into Sliding Contact Space, Lubr. Sci., 22(5):195-205, 2010. (IF:0.588)
International conference:
(9) Xue Fan, Liwe Yu, and Dongfeng Diao*, Evaluation on the nanoscratch hardness of ECR nanostructured carbon coatings, 42th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, USA, April 20-24, 2015. (oral)
(8) Xue Fan, Dongfeng Diao*, and Liwei Yu, Stick-slip friction of diamond tip on nanostructured carbon surface, World Tribology Congress 2013, Torino, Italy, September 8-13, 2013. (oral)
(7) Xue Fan, Dongfeng Diao*, and Lei Yang, Super smooth nano-structured carbon films with cross-linked graphitic sheets induced by ECR ion irradiation, 40th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, USA, April 29-May 3, 2013. (poster)
(6) Xue Fan, Kenji Nose, Makoto Kambara, Dongfeng Diao and Toyonobu Yoshida, The Dependence of Mechanical Properties on the Nano Structures of Carbon Films Prepared by ECR and RF Plasma Sputtering, International Tribology Conference 2011, Hiroshima, Japan, October 30-November 3, 2011. (oral)
(5) Xue Fan, Dongfeng Diao, Kai Wang, and Chao Wang, Multi-Functional ECR Plasma Sputtering System for Preparing Amorphous Carbon and Al-O-Si Films, 38th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, USA, May 2-6, 2011. (poster)
(4) Xue Fan, Effect of Graphite Nanocluster Contained in Amorphous Carbon Films on the Mechanical Properties with Nano Indentation, The China-Japan Joint Tribology Symposium between Xi'an Jiaotong University and Nagoya University, Nagoya, Oct. 27-30, 2011. (oral)
(3) Xue Fan, and Dongfeng Diao, Structure Effect on Mechanical Properties of ECR Plasma Sputtering Carbon Films,6th China International Conference on Surface Engineering, Xi’an, China, May 10-13, 2011. (oral)
(2) Xue Fan, Chao Wang, Lei Yang, and Dongfeng Diao, Porous Anodic Alumina Films Filling with Magnetic Co Fabricated on ECR-Al Film with Silicon Substrate, 6th China International Conference on Surface Engineering, Xi’an, China, May 10-13, 2011.
(1) Xue Fan, Dongfeng Diao, Yan Chen, and Pengfei Wang, Tribological Behavior of MCECR Carbon-Based Nano Films,World Tribology Congress IV 2009, Kyoto, Japan, September 6-11, 2009. (poster)
(6) A Method to Control the Electron Irradiated Carbon Films with ECR Substrate Filter, Dongfeng Diao, Yudong Zheng, and Xue Fan, 2014. (China)
(5) A Method to Control the Graphene Nanocrystallite Size with ECR Electron Irradiation Density, Dongfeng Diao, Cheng Chen, Meiling Guo, and Xue Fan, 2014. (China)
(4) An Apparatus and Method to test the Electric Resistance Distribution of Nano Film with AFM, Dongfeng Diao, Dongqing Zhang, and Xue Fan, No. 201410014657.3. (China)
(3) Preparation and Method for Superthin Carbon Films with ECR Oxygen-Argon Plasma Etching, Dongfeng Diao, Meiling Guo, and Xue Fan, No. 201310728820.8. (China)
(2) An Apparatus to Perform Nanosurface Scratch and Frictional Stick-Slip Tests, Patent in China, Dongfeng Diao, Liwei Yu, and Xue Fan, No. 201310136902.3. (China)
(1) A New Kind of Online Friction and Wear Test Machine, Patent in China, Dongfeng Diao, Lizhang Zhang, and Xue Fan, Patent No. P200910021407.1. (China)
Research project
Semi In-situ Test of Graphene Cross-Linking Induced Nanoscratch Behavior of Nanocrystallin Carbon Films(2015.06-2017.05)
In charge Young-Researcher-Starting grant of Shenzhen University (201526)
In-situ Observation and Measurement of Graphene Cross-Linking Induced Tribological Behavior of Nanocrystallin Carbon Films (2014.01-2016.12)
In charge National Natural Science Foundation of China (51305332)
The Nano Tribological Contact Mechanisms of sp2-sp3 Cross-Linking Surface by ECR Electron Irradiation( 2012.07-2014.06)
In charge China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2012M521755)
The Stick-Slip Properties of Nano Carbon Surfaces based on the Coupling Effect of Structure and Morphology (2012.01-2012.12)
In charge Fundamental Research Funds for Central Universities of XJTU
Fabrication, Characterization, and Mechanical Properties of Nanocrystalline Carbon Films (2010.10-2011.10)
In charge PhD Mobility Program of the China Scholarship Council
Low Friction Behavior and the Tribo-contact Mechanism of ECR Nanostructured Carbon Films (2008.03-2012.03)
Core member National High-Tech Research & Develop Plan 863 (2007AA04Z307)
Core member National Natural Science Foundation of China (90923027)
Fabrication and Characterization of Al2O3-Co Nanohole Patterned Media (2007.07-2009.12)
Core member National Natural Science Foundation of China (50775173)
Study of Tribological Properties for Optical Conductor (OPC) Material in Laser Printer (2006.09-2007.06)
Core member Ricoh Printing System