Yuanyuan CAOHits [1610] Published :2014-09-01 15:35:55

Thermodynamic theory of semiconductor core-shell nanowire heterostructure growth


     The core-shell nanowire(NW) heterostructure has been the fundamental building blocks of semiconductor NW optoelectronic device currently, because of the adjustable band structure and high charge carrier mobility. However, the surface roughening would destroy the performance of the device. Hence, the controllable growth of high-quality semiconductor core-shell NW heterostructure becomes to be a challenge to the experimental and theoretical research. This project proposed a thermodynamic theory to address the growth of semiconductor core-shell NW heterostructure, focus on the influence of composition, multishell and temperature. Specifically, the change of shell growth mode induced by various composition and the critical shell thickness of surface roughening would be investigated to clarify the physical mechanism of composition dependent growth of semiconductor core-shell NW heterostructure; The multishell structure, induced the strain relaxation in the shell, can lead to the surface roughening of core-shell NW heterostructure. The physical understanding of the multishell dependent surface roughening would be illuminated by studying the influence of multishell; The thermal stability of core-shell NW heterostructure and the temperature dependent surface roughening behavior can be investigated to reveal the physical rules to control the appearance and morphology of surface roughening by temperature. The achievement of this project would elucidate the physical mechanism of composition, multishell and temperature dependent growth of core-shell NW heterostructure, and furnish a theoretical basis to experimentally control the epitaxial growth of high-quality core-shell NW heterostructures.